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br Among the most important findings to have
Among the most important findings to have emerged from the massive 2013–16 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in west Africa is the delayed clearance of virus from the semen of men who survived the disease and the consequent risk of sexual transmission of the virus, although this seems to be rare. In
Cisplatin based chemotherapy is commonly used
Cisplatin-based chemotherapy is commonly used in adjuvant CCRT, but data on carboplatin-based chemotherapy with radiotherapy is lacking. Khoury et al reported that patients treated with carboplatin-based chemoradiotherapy show worse outcomes. However, the impact on patient comorbidities was not repo
br We have reviewed the
We have reviewed the issues and arguments presented by Wang et al. In fact, we have well-clarified these issues in “Discussion” section of our original article. The aim of our study was to investigate the expression of maternal antineuronal train ride and their role in childhood autism spectrum d
aromatase inhibitors Regarding the treatment of HLH with HLH
Regarding the treatment of HLH with HLH-1994, the estimated 3-year probability of survival overall was 55%. According to a previous comprehensive review study, ferritin level may provide a prognostic marker, and regular ferritin measurements may be useful in predicting outcomes in HLH patients. Our
Bisphosphonates are a well established standard of care
Bisphosphonates are a well-established, standard-of care treatment option to reduce the frequency and severity and time of onset of the skeletal related events (SREs) in patients with bone metastases due to either solid tumours or multiple myeloma [21–33]. From many years, BPs have been incorporated
The data also revealed notable differences in
The data also revealed notable differences in practice patterns across the countries. In France, Italy, Spain and the UK, patients were most likely to have multiple disseminated sites of metastases at the time of initial bone Digoxigenin-11-UTP detection; however, patients in Germany were most likel
The effectiveness of the intervention varied across district
The effectiveness of the intervention varied across districts, with the proportion of infections averted inversely related to pre-intervention consistent condom use (appendix). Understandably, for districts in which previous interventions had already led to high consistent condom use among high-risk
En Argentina previamente al golpe militar tambi n reinaba
En Argentina, previamente al golpe militar, también reinaba un gobierno democrático cada vez más represivo. El mismo día del retorno de Juan Domingo Perón después de larguísimos años de proscripción, el enfrentamiento entre los principales grupos de las distintas tendencias al interior del peronismo
Patients with both primary gaze consecutive esotropia Fig an
Patients with both primary gaze consecutive esotropia (Fig. 1) and consecutive exotropia (Fig. 2) showed significantly less vertical deviation postoperatively compared with preoperative measurements (p Discussion The treatment of constant vertical tropia associated with consecutive horizontal dev
Pain flare defined as a
Pain flare, defined as a “temporary worsening of bone pain in the treated metastatic site” [2], has been previously documented as a side effect of radiopharmaceutical and hormonal therapy [2,10,11]. Although it is a recognized side-effect of radiation treatment as well, only recent studies have atte
La embajada argentina en Guatemala consideraba que
La embajada argentina en Guatemala consideraba que, PX-478 2HCl diferencia de El Salvador, el ejército guatemalteco y las fuerzas armadas en general mantenían una cohesión firme contra el comunismo. Esta certeza calmaba más las ansiedades que las cordiales relaciones mantenidas con el anticomunista
This flow budget constraint can be
This MG-132 flow budget constraint can be written as a government stock budget constraint by using standard procedure. First, multiply both sides of the flow constraint by exp(−rx), where r is the real rate of interest. Then, by taking into account thatwe can writewhere s(m)=rm+τ(m) is a measure of the value of the services provided by money, which is equivalent to the user cost, or rental price, of capital, and can be defined as the user cost of money.
En las condiciones son diferentes
Z-VAD-FMK En 2015-2016 las condiciones son diferentes: el saldo de la deuda del sector público representa 47% del pib (tan solo durante los tres primeros años de la administración Peña ha subido 10 puntos porcentuales); los rfsp ascienden MRS 2578 Supplier 4.1% del pib () y la balanza global tiene un saldo cercano al déficit (Banxico, 2015).
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